Pressroom5 Tech-e: U.S. Soldiers Banned From Myspace & YouTube

Monday, May 14, 2007

U.S. Soldiers Banned From Myspace & YouTube

U.S. soldiers serving overseas will be banned from using many popular websites including YouTube and MySpace used to keep in touch with family and friends, a U.S. Army Commander said in a memo.

The Department of Defence "will block worldwide access" to YouTube, MySpace and 11 other popular websites on its computers and networks, according to the memo sent by General BB Bell, the US Forces Korea commander.

The policy is being implemented to protect information and reduce drag on the department's networks, Gen Bell said.

"This recreational traffic impacts our official DoD network and bandwidth ability, while posing a significant operational security challenge, " he wrote.

The new policy creates a blanket ban on several sites used by military personnel to exchange messages, pictures, video and audio with family and friends, while also viewing nude photos and strip teases done by love ones back home.

Members of the military can still access the sites on their own computers and networks, but Defence Department computers and networks are the only ones available to many soldiers and sailors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The move is in addition to the general policy of banning members of the military from sharing information that could jeopardise their missions or safety.

You never know who you will meet on Myspace or see on YouTube.

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Military Bans MySpace
KLRT Fox 16 Little Rock - (KLRT)

May. 15, 2007. 10:03 AM EST

For soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, contacting family and friends back home, just got tougher. The Department of Defense is banning MySpace, PhotoBucket, YouTube and ten other popular websites.


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